Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Singing

The Choir has been very busy. Last night we sang Looka That Star acapella(without piano) at the Ward Christmas party. It was so great to feel like you're actually using one of your talents. Then today was the Christmas program during sacrament. I got to read the Testimony of Mary, Mother of Christ and John got to read Joseph's Testimony. It was so beautiful. Emma sang with the senior primary and the choir sang O Holy Night, O Little Town of Bethelehem, and Messiah's Hallelujah Chorus. I started off as an alto, but due to one of our 2 sopranos falling out unexpectedly, the next to last practice I became a soprano. Luckily, I'd been singing soprano already on the Hallelujah Chorus. I did come to the sad realization that I've been singing that song for 20 years now. I learned it in my home ward when I was 14 and have been singing it ever since. I absolutely love that song. It brings tears to my eyes to feel like I am magnifying one of the gifts my Heavenly Father gave me. After the program one the ladies in the ward told me she thought I was "the best." Literally her words, not mine. I love her.

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